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Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer injured in Bike Crash


Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer broke his shoulder in a fall from his bicycle and underwent surgery Saturday morning, according to a court spokeswoman.

The 74-year-old justice was resting comfortably and is expected to be released from GeorgetownUniversity Hospital early in the week.

Breyer was riding his bike Friday afternoon near the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, next to the Lincoln Memorial, when he took a fall, according to the statement. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Breyer has had his share of out-of-the-courtroom troubles of late. Last year, he and his wife were robbed at knife-point in their winter vacation home on a Caribbean island. Shortly afterward, their Georgetown home was burglarized.

Breyer also had a previous and painful bike crash. It happened in 1993 when he was being considered for the Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton. He traveled from Boston to Washington to speak with the president despite having his arm in a sling.

That nomination went to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but Breyer was selected for the court the next year.
