A little girl gets left behind because her father's stuck in car traffic. What happens next?
Watch "Rolling," our new short film, to find out how it all turns out.

You know that transportation is critical to New York City's survival.
That's why you speak up and take action in defense of New York City's subways, streets and sidewalks. I wanted to thank you for all you do.People like you are the superpower behind the newest bike lanes, bus routes and pedestrians plazas in New York City. Our city is better because you care.
There's a new short film made for New Yorkers like you. In it, a little girl gets left at school while her dad is stuck in traffic. SPOILER ALERT: It all turns out OK. But, you'll have to watch to find out what saves the day.
Check out the film. If you like it, please take a second to share it with your friends, family and colleagues.
This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for New Yorkers like you. Without your willingness to stand up for safer streets, none of our advances -- from Manhattan's 1st and 2nd Avenue to Brooklyn's Prospect Park West to Queens Plaza -- would have ever been possible.